Elementary cycle 1
Pedal to the Metal
- The whole school year
- From 8:00 A.M to 4:00 P.M
At this highly interactive workshop, students design and manipulate a 4-wheeled vehicle designed at the Museum’s Fab Lab, while developing competencies adapted to their grade levels. Students validate their hypotheses by running road tests, using Bombardier ingenuity to become inventors-in-training.
Location : Museum | Classroom
Duration : 1:30 | 1:00
$6 | $10
Accessible to groups
20 to 30 students
During this activity:
- Our guides come into the classroom (minimum 2 activities per school), including mobile activities offered by the Yvonne L. Bombardier Cultural Centre..
Follow in the footsteps of Joseph-Armand Bombardier by creating prototypes of customized vehicles. Which team’s prototype will travel the farthest? Use science and experimentation to learn which variables have the most impact on distance travelled: wheels, axles, chassis, elastics and hulls inspired by Bombardier vehicles… all the ingredients of a creative and scientific experience!
Combine this activity with a second one and get a $2 discount on it.