
The Museum offers you a unique experience with engaging and dynamic activities for students at all levels of education. With the help of our interpreters, your students will learn through hands-on experience by designing and testing various transportation-related concepts.

How to apply for financial assistance for a visit to the Museum

Our activities are in line with the Québec Education Program and are eligible for the Culture in the Schools program. School boards and private schools receive financial assistance in order to allow all students, from preschool to secondary school, to participate in two free cultural outings each year.

The following three measures will facilitate your visit to the Museum:

Field trips to cultural venues

This measure provides assistance for field trips to cultural venues only. You can use the amount allocated for each of your students to pay for transportation, admission or a specific activity. Activities must be carried out in collaboration with organizations, which, like the Museum, are listed in the Répertoire de ressources culture-éducation.

Institutions eligible for the measures: childcare centres, elementary schools, secondary schools, public schools and private schools

École inspirante (Inspiring schools)

This measure provides assistance for educational activities and field trips. You can use the amount allocated for each of your students to pay for transportation, admission or a specific activity.

Institutions eligible for the measure: schildcare centres, public elementary schools, public secondary schools

Formation continue du personnel enseignant sur l’usage pédagogique des technologies numériques (Continuing training for teachers in pedagogical uses of digital technologies)

As its name indicates, this measure provides assistance for training teachers in pedagogical uses of digital technologies.

Did you know that the Museum now offers teacher training in digital fabrication? Teachers can learn to program microcontrollers, create smart textiles, use a laser cutting machine or even 3D draw and print. All eligible for this measure!

Eligible persons: Teachers from all levels
Dates: Throughout the school year
Duration: Full day
Capacity: Depending on the course
Cost: $125 per participant ($500 minimum)

Training for teachers

The Museum now offers one-day training for teachers, which demystifies certain digital tools found in Fab Labs.

– Training in digital fabrication

During this training:
– Draw in vector (2D) and with a laser cutting machine
– Draw and print in 3D

For more information on this training or to make a reservation, contact us by email or by phone at 450 532-5300, ext. 48.

Find out more

To benefit from these measures, feel free to contact the culture-education resource person at your school board. You can also get information from the Direction générale des jeunes at the Ministère de l’Éducation et de l’Enseignement supérieur by calling 418-644-5240 or emailing them at

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