
Sur les chapeaux de roues
Elementary cycle 2

Pedal to the Metal

  • The whole school year
  • From 8:00 A.M to 4:00 P.M

At this highly interactive workshop, students design and manipulate a 4-wheeled vehicle designed at the Museum’s Fab Lab, while developing competencies adapted to their grade levels. Students validate their hypotheses by running road tests, using Bombardier ingenuity to become inventors-in-training.

  • icone Location : Museum | Classroom | Online
  • icone Duration : 1:30 | 1:00 | 1:00
  • icone $6 | $10 | $10
  • groupe Accessible to groups
  • icone 20 to 30 students

During this activity:

  • Build and observe vehicles;
  • Hypothesize about distances covered;
  • Conduct road tests with different types of vehicles.



Follow in the footsteps of Joseph-Armand Bombardier by creating prototypes of customized vehicles. Which team’s prototype will travel the farthest? Use science and experimentation to learn which variables have the most impact on distance travelled: wheels, axles, chassis, elastics and hulls inspired by Bombardier vehicles… all the ingredients of a creative and scientific experience!


Combine this activity with a second one and get a $2 discount on it.


This is a synchronous activity.

When you register for this activity, we will mail you the construction kits designed and produced at the Museum’s Fab Lab. Assemble the project with your students following the instructions provided. Once you’ve finished building, our guides will be happy to take your students through a series of scientific challenges: simple machines, gravity, scientific methods.

The activity will be led via a screen in the classroom. You’ll also need a camera (a laptop camera will do) so that our guides can interact with your students.

Preparation required before the activity:

  • Test the technology (this set-up test takes just a few minutes and allows us to test the sound and connection quality)
  • Assemble the basic vehicles with your students (plan for 30 minutes)
Scool program consistent with the progression of learning set out by the Ministère de l’éducation et enseignement supérieur.
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